Wednesday, September 19, 2007


So, socrates just randomly comes up to E. and starts a convo with him...why? Was he just bored abd wanted to shoot the philosophical breeze or what. As we have predetermined, they knew each other before, so socrates already had the gist of what E.s personality is like and probably knew he was pompous and not the brightest crayon in the box. So, did he start up the 'debate' to make himself feel better about his greater wisdom....socrates can almost be seen as a jerk too, he had no real reason for trying to send E into a mental breakdown of sorts...was this socrates idea of fun?


Devon said...

I like this idea... Personally, I think that both E. and Socrates are assholes, but that's my personal opinion. They both seem pompous in my eyes, flauting their 'knowledge' around like its a neon sign.

Oh, here's your comment, I am reading this. ^_^

Brett said...

Personally I feel sorry for E. He stood no chance.